Royal Brunei Airlines teams up with EMAS

Royal Brunei Airlines

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In light of the rising cases of COVID-19 in Brunei, it is crucial that RB supports the country any way we can as national carrier. We have recently teamed up with Brunei's Emergency Medical Ambulance Services (EMAS) to help ease the Ministry of Health in contacting patients who have tested positive for COVID-19. Our Emergency Response centre, equipped with a dedicated call centre, will allow RB staff to work alongside EMAS and volunteers to aid the nation during this time.

Aside from the call centre, #TeamRB staff volunteer at multiple front-line tasks across the country. Our volunteers are equipped with people and basic first aid skills and are well-trained to work in emergencies. We'd like to express our endless thanks to all our country's frontliners for their bravery and selflessness in this fight against the global pandemic #royalbrunei #mohbrunei #stayathome #BersamaMelindungi #stopthespread #bersamamubrunei

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